Rumi on Chinese Art and Greek Art

The Prophet said, “There are some who see Me by the same Light in which I am seeing them. Our natures are ONE. Without…

Each Note

Advice doesn’t help lovers! They’re not the kind of mountain stream you can build a dam across. An intellectual doesn’t know what the drunk…

Confused and distraught — Rumi

Rumi interpreted by Coleman Barks derived from Arberry’s translation You bind me, and I tear away in a rage to open out into air,…

Rumi’s Poetry: ‘All Religions, All This Singing, One Song’

Coleman Barks is a great translator. His recent essay here is a great read especially in terms of debates on Islamophobia Rumi: The Big…

Who is looking out?

Who sees inside from outside? Who finds hundreds of mysteries even where minds are deranged? See through his eyes what he sees. Who then…

A call from the unseen

A baby pigeon on the edge of the nest hears the call and begins his flight. How can the soul of the seeker not…

Maybe They’re Shy

Now the nightbirds will be singing of the way we love each other. Why should they sing about flowers when they’ve seen us in…

In silence

There is a channel between voice and presence, a way where information flows. In disciplined silence the channel opens. With wandering talk, it closes.…