Another Pakistani Journalist Threatened. Will the State Protect Him?
June 10, 2017: Another Pakistani Journalist Threatened. Will the State Protect Him? ( Huffington Post) Pakistan is not an easy country for journalists. State…

Bleak prospects
My op-ed published in Express-Tribune today It is evident that the Pakistani state faces a crisis of legitimacy and survival. Twelve years ago, on…

Is this Jinnah’s Pakistan?
The massacre of Ahmadis in Lahore has once again exposed the inner fissures of our society. As if treating them like second class citizens…

Al-Jazeera: Deaths in Pakistan mosques raids
Al-Jazeera Armed men attack minority religious sect’s places of worship in Lahore. Assailants with guns and grenades have attacked two mosques in the eastern…

Lahore’s now the latest target of Taliban
Quoted in The New York Times Once again the terrorists have hit Lahore. But this time they have chosen the favourite target of the…

Lahore – a nightmare that is still not over
Updated: my quotes in Tehran Times Today’s events in Lahore have shaken the entire country. The zealots and the bigots aside, an ordinary Pakistani…

Pak Nobel laureate’s Ahmedi status hurdle for documentary
I was quoted in this story – a slight spin but an important point nevertheless.. Two young Pakistanis are battling all odds to make…