Umbrella organization “Hum Pakistaniâ€
launched in Lahore to provide relief to IDPs
 Pakistan faces grave challenges today.Â
Over 1.5 million Pakistanis have been displaced in the NWFP and adjoining tribal areas. The lives of these internally displaced persons (IDPs) have been affected by the ongoing militancy and counter-insurgency operation underway.
To address this challenge, a group of individuals and citizen organizations have come together to form an umbrella organization called Hum Pakistani, the first of its kind, to unite more than 20 NGOs and thousands of people with the common purpose of providing relief and services to the IDPs in Pakistan.
The first batch of relief assistance has been sent to Mardan and other affected areas.  This assistance comprised of wheat, food rations, water storage tanks, stoves and other relief goods necessary for survival. This relief assistance is being distributed through the Aurat Foundation, the Sarhad Rural Support Programme, the Red Crescent and other sister organizations.
Hum Pakistani has established contact with local government authorities and the Pakistan Army to provide administrative facilities.
Hum Pakistani has already sent a team of doctors and medical supplies to the IDP camps in the NWFP. Philanthropists and corporate donors are collaborating in this process.
Hum Pakistani will also work with the state, civil society, NGOs, religious scholars and the media to educate and sensitize the public on why we need to work together to support our nation.
Hum Pakistani appeals to all citizens to come together and help our country in these challenging times.
Our sister organizations are mentioned here for your information and we welcome all non-profit organizations to join our struggle to help our fellow Pakistanis.
For further information, please contact:
Mahbina Waheed:
Raza Rumi:
Ayeda Naqvi: Â
, Fax: 042-5762707