Urdu Literature
Aligarians – Urdu Poetry Aligarians – Urdu Poetry Bayaaz Best Ghazals Best Ghazals Dabistan-e-Urdu Famous Urdu poets online Ghalib Iqbal Iqbal Medieval and Early…

Blog I Visit
Blog I Visit 3quarksdaily A reader’s words Al Wisdom All Things Pakistan Amardeep Singh Amitava Kumar Another subcontinent Awakening the Soul Baithak Bamboo Shade…

Photo Stories
Indian Glory Kenny Irwin photos Mystic Lens @ Flickr Pak Pics Raza Rumi at Flickr Towards Pakistan Treklens (Yasir)…

List of Art & Culture
Art Concerns Bengali Art Calligraphy Egyptology Harappa Hermitage, St Petersburg Indoislamica Indus Colours Indus Valley Civilisation Iranian Art Islamic Art and Culture Louvre, France…

A Strange Problem? by Kunwar Narain Adieu Naguib Mahfouz Blake Golden Sufi Hafiz-e Shirazi Omar Khayyam Poet Seers Poet Seers Rumi Poet of the…

Ahmed Rashid’s Website Guardian Independent UK Khalid Hasan Online Pakistan’s Drift into Extremism Robert Fisk Svaradarajan Tariq Ali Tariq Rahman’s Website Uri Avnery…

Classical Indian Classical Sarangi Indian Classical World Music Network…

Water by Sepehri
I am posting this serene poem by Sohrab Sepehri (1928-1980), a famous contemporary Iranian poet and painter. Water We shouldn’t muddy the water. A…
New paintings inspired by the golden Bengal
Having spent some weeks in Bangladesh, I ventured to closely observe the folk motifs in Bengali art. I had always admired the simplicity and…
Sufi Congregations – Videoclips from Zikr Sessions
[fusion_text]My dear brother Syed Salman Chisty from Ajmer has uploaded some great links here . He has sent video clips of Sufi Zikr (spiritual…

Galli mein Aaj Chand Nikla (The moon has re-appeared in my lane)
This is a great song from a brilliant, but less known film Zakhm (wound). The film dealt with the thorny issue of communalism during…

She Would Not Be Wrapped
For the British, anxious to distinguish themselves from the natives, nothing was more galling than Indians in European attire. The elite women, especially, in…

Godless Bullets
Salman Taseer’s killing reflects the fight over Pakistan’s soul (OUTLOOK INDIA) AMIR MIR When Punjab governor Salman Taseer stepped out of the Table Talk…

Pakistan In 2022: Hybrid Regime Will Unravel But Pakistanis Will Pay The Cost
The ‘hybrid regime’ that has been governing Pakistan since 2018 became hostage to internal contradictions and external pressures throughout the year 2021. The year…

From Lahore To Gwadar: Flawed Development Model Undermines Citizens’ Rights
For years, the local Baloch population has been complaining about their non-inclusion in the medium- and long-term development plans. Towards the end of 2021,…

Will Sialkot Tragedy Change The State Policy Of Appeasing Religious Fanatics?
The Sialkot tragedy should be a wakeup call for the incumbent government as well as the all powerful establishment. The brutal lynching and burning of…

This world without Dr. Annemarie Schimmel
Last year, I came across a Charles Homer Haskins lecture that Dr Annemarie Schimmel delivered in 1993. Aside from the amazing events and milestones…

The Spectacular Rise Of TLP And The Challenges Ahead
Even without a wider platform or broad agenda to achieve victory in the polls, groups such as TLP are poised to exploit the grievances…