What therefore is desired from Indian artists worthy of that name is something distinctly Indian. The most inept feature of the present exhibition is the promise which it shows in the works of the Calcutta School of an Indian Renaissance. –
The Englishman, 30 January 1905
Naina Subberwal Batra in New Delhi is busy these days in promoting contemporary Bengali art – her life-long passion. She has sent me a few images from a recent exhibition that she held (posted below). The quotation above appeared in an introduction to contemporary artists that Naina had sent with the images.
Bengal School since early twentieth centruy followed a unique eclecticism. From Abanindra Nath to Jamini Roy, Bengali art evolved encompassing the golden moods of native Bengal, regional influences, Indian-ness and inter-cultural encounters. It has inspired generations of artists. Today, Bengali art captures the past as well as the present and displays a maturity and expression that shines across several global art trends.