Rumi – You and I, in the Palace
Happy is the moment, when we sit together, With two forms, two faces, yet one soul, you and I. The flowers will bloom forever,…

My Journey (Mera Safar): Ali Sardar Jafri
I came across this decent translation of his poem Mera Safar I enjoyed reading it again after ages and thought this must be shared…

Symbolism And Allegory In Qur’aan
The Message of the Quran Translated and Explained by Muhammad Asad (Formerly Leopold Weiss) When studying the Quran, one frequently encounters what may be…

The Faustus In Us (translation by Temporal)
Temporal read a translation of Parveen Shakir’s poem on this blog and created another translation. In many ways, this is a more modern version,…

the Conference of the Birds
The theory of Tawhid (Unity of Divine Being) has been beautifully expressed by the Persian Sufi poet Farid ud din Attar (1157-1235) in his…