No exit
The US must not forget the importance of a democratic, pluralist Pakistan The recent visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to…

India and the Af-Pak question
Latest for Express Tribune Recently, US Secretary of State John Kerry elaborated on the need for India to take on a proactive role in…

Osama Bin Laden is dead: what next for Pakistan?
The dramatic events of May 2, enacted in Pakistan’s small, sleepy town of Abbottabad have surely shaken the world. The global icon of al…

Whatever happened to Kerry-Lugar?
Pakistan’s dire fiscal situation has resulted in the reduction of development spending by 40 per cent. This does not bode well for the citizens…

Institutions, accountability and the UN Report
The Pakistani citizenry has a right to know and live in a rule-based, just society where political assassinations are not the norm. If the…

Anchorless rambling
We did it again. A hallmark of Hillary Clinton’s visit to Pakistan was her meeting with the stars of the Pakistani media – the…

So it took Mr Greenspan years to admit this
Alan Greenspan the former chief of the US central bank, for years an inscrutable seer on the economy has outraged the Bush administration by…

Lies, Half Truths and Deceit
There is talk of war again. There is a familiar web of lies, half-truths and deceit. As if the smouldering cities and dying civilians…

Mission Accomplished – Louise Rill on Iraq
Stumbling upon Louise Rill’s poetry website was rewarding. I found this unyielding poem on Iraq operation signifying the emotions of many citizens in the…