Nizamuddin Auliya – for Marta Franceschini
My post on the pictures of Nizamuddin Auliya's dergah (shrine) attracted a visitor whose devotion to the great Nizamuddin is quite touching…

a Prayer on Inspiration…
My friend sadiq shared this prayer posted on his blog ‘Inspirations and Creative Thoughts’. He calls this a prayer on Inspiration, Work and becoming…

This moved me to tears – Suspect Paki’s anguish
The last time I cross-posted a piece from Suspect Paki, it was about the ‘political’ and the alienation of British Muslims. However, this time…

Indian Muslims – “A Story of Betrayal”
Sachar Committee Findings: A Story of Betrayal by Sadia Dehlvi The findings of the Sachar committee report on the status of Indian Muslims are…

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
By Jalal-Uddin Rumi Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Friends are enemies sometimes, and enemies friends. I was a tiny…

Vandana Shiva on Farmer Suicides….
Indian farmers have never committed suicide on a large scale. It’s something totally new. It’s linked to the last decade of globalization, trade liberalization…

On the day of death – Sheb i Aroos
when i die when my coffin is being taken out you must never think i am missing this world don’t shed any tears don’t…

VIEW: The global artist
VIEW: The global artist – Saleem H Ali It is a refreshing mark of our times that artists are being engaged at such forums…

Woodcuts from Mahboob Ali – Revisiting Lahore
Lahore features again. It is a little difficult not to yearn for Lahore if you belong there… First, Mahboob Ali from Lahore (Pakistan) sent…

Whether asleep or awake, I am thirsty for that Friend…
If you are not going to bed, then sit, I am going. Tell your tale, I have told mine. I have had enough of…

Half a Uniform – a passionate poem
This poem was published by a columnist in the Urdu daily Jang. The poet, a political worker, is aggrieved by the ongoing negotiations between…

…in the Crevices of My Dreams
I had written about Ayesha Salman and her poetry earlier. I just read this poem by her that she had written for her beloved…

the beloved you’ve lost
i want to leave this town but you’ve chained me down stolen away my heart leaving yourself behind now i’ve lost my way my…

By: Imran Rahat Shaikh
nice site brother rumi and nice words used do visit my site http://www.aulia-e-hind.com and let me know if u can give a link to…

The art of gimmickery
Eastern art sells out to the West By Murad Khan Mumtaz From the weekly Friday Times, Pakistan 11-17, 2006 ‘Contemporary miniature’ painting seems to…

Love All and Hate None – Moinuddin Chishti
Ajmer continues to enchant me…these lines from the last discourse of Khwaja Mu’inuddin Chishti manifest the poignancy of Sufi ways (tareeqat). “Love all and…

Ajmer – this Friday..
The saint of saints (Khawaje Khawaji-gaan) buried in Ajmer is a centre-point of Sufi thought and practice in the Indian subcontinent even today… Pilgrims…

By: Syed Salman Chishty
AssalamAlykum dear bro Raza ,Mashallah your choice of sufi poetry is so fine . Love is the need of the hour for the whole…

Hijab and the truth behind it
Hindustan Times published this piece by Sadia Dehlvi yesterday. Two weeks ago, an Afghan woman carrying a baby in her arms and wearing a…
By: Syed Nooruddin