Kal bhi woh darte the
A few lines I wrote after Malala’s Nobel and some of the reactions of Pakistanis on social media (English translit. below) Kal bhi woh…

Don’t talk about the journey (Rumi)
Come come come my endless desires come come come come my beloved come my sweetheart come come come don’t talk about the journey say…

Rumi – You and I, in the Palace
Happy is the moment, when we sit together, With two forms, two faces, yet one soul, you and I. The flowers will bloom forever,…

In this game of chess
I was first seduced by love then put in a fire of agonies as i won the mastery of the beloved the beloved dropped…

I am a child of love
I profess the religion of love, Love is my religion and my faith. My mother is love My father is love My prophet is…

Occupy yourself with your own inward self! – Rumi
Oh heart, place no honey in the mouth of the ill! Speak not of entrancing eyes in the assembly of the blind! Although God…

You have fallen in love my dear heart
You have fallen in love my dear heart Congratulations! You have freed yourself from all attachments Congratulations! You have given up both worlds to…

Without Love…
What a moving quatrain by Rumi Without love, all worship is a burden, all dancing is a chore, all music is mere noise. All…

Lovers have nothing to do with existence
The lover’s food is the love of the bread; no bread need be at hand: no one who is sincere in his love is…

I have returned, like the new year (Rumi)
I am posting Sunlight translations of Rumi’s Ghazal (Ode) 1375, from “Diwan-e-Shamsi” (“The Collection of Shams”), rendered by Nader Khalili, and Prof. William Chittick:…

Let’s adore one another
come on sweetheart let’s adore one another before there is no more of you and me a mirror tells the truth look at your…

spiritual windowshoppers
These spiritual windowshoppers, who idly ask, “How much is that?” “Oh, I’m just looking.” They handle a hundred items and put them down, shadows…

Har Lehza Ba Shaklay But-e-Ayyar Baraamad
A Kalam of Jalal Ud Din Rumi Performed by Farid Ayaz Qawal Har lehza ba shaklay but-e-ayyar baraamad Dil burd-o-nihaan shud Har dum ba…

Do not despair, my soul…
Do not despair, my soul, for hope has manifested itself; the hope of every soul has arrived from the unseen. Do not despair, though…

This Love — Quatrain from Rumi
This Love is the king, yet a throne cannot be found. It is the essence of the Koran yet a verse cannot be found.…

Choose A Suffering
Choose A Suffering Yesterday in the assembly I saw my soul inside the jar of the one who pours. “Don’t forget your job,” I…

Rumi – We are all one family
We are all children of God and His infants As the Prophet had said, All belong to his family From Mosquito to elephant, all…

Immersed in His glow – Rumi
where have you gone the settler of my soul did you fly away or hide in your home as soon as you saw the…