At this one point, all talk ends – Bulleh Shah
Bulleh Shah Pakar saaf dile diyaan khavaabaan nu. Gal aise ghar vich dhukkdi eh, ik nuqte vich gal mukdi eh. Hold tight…

Lal Shahbaz Qalander of Sindh
Source here Shahbaz Qalandar was born in Marwand to a dervish, Syed Ibrahim Kabiruddin whose ancestors migrated from Iraq and settled down in Mashhad,…

You I choose, of all the world, alone…
This 16th century miniature (BNF Paris) depicts Shams Tabriz – from an illustrated copy of the Divan-i-Shams Tabriz, collection of Rumi’s verse named after…

a Prayer on Inspiration…
My friend sadiq shared this prayer posted on his blog ‘Inspirations and Creative Thoughts’. He calls this a prayer on Inspiration, Work and becoming…

Urs of Bulleh Shah
The annual Urs of Bulleh Shah, the Punjabi mystic poet, concluded yesterday in Kasur yesterday. Bulleh’s poetry reflected his rejection of orthodox hold of…

I have two ways of loving You
Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya, also known as Rabia Basri(c.717-801) was one of the early mystics from Basra a port city in Iraq. Being a woman she…

Perfection of my Companion II
Further to my earlier post “Perfection of my Companion” on Saadi’s beautiful poetry, Isa Daudpota from Islamabad has sent me the Urdu translation. I…

Perfection of my companion…
Read Ammar Qureshi’s improvised translation of Sa’adi. Profound and delicate! A sweet-smelling piece of clay, one day in the bath, Came from the hand…