By: Asmapk

This site is a treasure trove of information with so many dimensions to it. The mellow background sporting an amazing selection of paintings creates…

By: Tahir Yazdani Malik

Kucha Kakayzai One small residential district in the walled city of Lahore, incidently is still well preserved . The early Kakayzais who settled in…

By: Obaid Qureshi

Just discovered your site…. I am very much interested to re-visit it in detail. There is so much more in it than I had…

By: Amit C

Raza, your blog is becoming this enormous repository of amazing stuff — photographs, poetry, historical narratives, thoughtful opinion — about some of the things…

By: Kanwal

Salam! Can you please telle me when Shah Shams Tabrez urs are in Multan?…

By: Raza Rumi

Faraz: thanks for the comment. I visited your blog and left a comment. Am not sure if you saw it? Mike: You have raised…

By: Faraz Yusufi

went through few of your posts, i am impressed, i like your balanced view and unbiased analysis on a wide range of subjects, I…

By: Iman Tavassoly

Dear Friend Your blog is very intresting and I am si happy to find your blog. I read some of your posts. The poems…

By: seneca

Dear Raza, What a wonderful blog! I am happy to have found it! I still shiver at the word “Lahore”. It was the scene…

By: mayan


Marta’s Story – from the Heart

I had posted a few pictures for Marta and she responded with these lines – true from the heart and reflecting the impact that…

By: Osama Siddique

Dear Raza It is delightful to experience the old city through your evocative writings as well as Fawad’s, alongwith Mahboob Ali’s wonderful woodcuts. Since…

By: Syed Nooruddin

Indeed a blog so nice, hard to belive it exist. Congratlations. Iam proud of you RR. Thanks for blog you have created,many many thanks,…

By: Imran Rahat Shaikh

nice site brother rumi and nice words used do visit my site and let me know if u can give a link to…

By: Syed Salman Chishty

AssalamAlykum dear bro Raza ,Mashallah your choice of sufi poetry is so fine . Love is the need of the hour for the whole…

By: rama

Hullo! Just discovered … and delighted! Will be here regularly. Keep up the great work, on behalf of all members of the School of…

By: Khushnood Lashari

“To see a world in a grain of sand And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand…

By: Khushnood Lashari

Dear Rumi, I was recently in India. The contrast in preservation of heritage couldn’t be starker. We simply burn daylight.…

By: razarumi

Gulssss Thanks for visiting….as always you cheered me up. Hope you will contribute stuff to this blog? all the best..…

By: Guli

Hey Razman!!! Kaun jaaney toon kaun? Yeah baby, sage-alicious!!! How’s it hangin’ man? Love, Gulz…