By: Faraz Yusufi
went through few of your posts, i am impressed, i like your balanced view and unbiased analysis on a wide range of subjects, I…

By: Iman Tavassoly
Dear Friend Your blog is very intresting and I am si happy to find your blog. I read some of your posts. The poems…

By: seneca
Dear Raza, What a wonderful blog! I am happy to have found it! I still shiver at the word “Lahore”. It was the scene…

By: mayan

By: homeyra
Hello Raza I enjoy reading your blog. I have been to Lahore and it is great to still have the opportunity to “connect” with…

By: firoze shakir
Shah Ast Hussain BadshaAst Hussain – my poem http://www.photographerno1.com/thumbnails.php?album=38&page=3 A lesson in humanity A banner you must feel Before you read Shah Ast Hussain…

By: nirmal
sir ur each and every blog is wonderful ,full of knowledge MAy Allah bless u…

By: Mirza
Raza Ji! Wah ji wah.boht shukriya kay itney saarey insaniyet sey payar kerney waaley logon ka mil bethney ka bahaana diya.…

By: Zia Hashmi
Dear Raza, Three cheers for making your blog look more direct, impresssive in content and user friendly. One feels quite at ease in exploring…

By: Nasar Malik
Dear Raza Romi, Great to have seen your blog. It is just wonderful, very impressive, CONGRATLATION! Keep up this good work. Thanks and Regards,…

By: mahi
Very nice to have come upon this blog. I am happy for two reasons: 1.There’s a spontaneous gladdening of my heart when I see…

By: Wajahat Abbas
Really a good blog. I am from Karachi, but these days i am in Lahore on project, and want to meet you. Though i…

By: bhopale
Wonderful blog. Adding a link to mine…

By: Osama Siddique
Dear Raza It is delightful to experience the old city through your evocative writings as well as Fawad’s, alongwith Mahboob Ali’s wonderful woodcuts. Since…

By: Syed Ather Ahmed
My dearest Raza, It is so heartenting to see this site and the work you are doing. Makes up to some extent for you…

By: Imran Rahat Shaikh
nice site brother rumi and nice words used do visit my site http://www.aulia-e-hind.com and let me know if u can give a link to…

By: Syed Nooruddin
Indeed a blog so nice, hard to belive it exist. Congratlations. Iam proud of you RR. Thanks for blog you have created,many many thanks,…

By: Syed Salman Chishty
AssalamAlykum dear bro Raza ,Mashallah your choice of sufi poetry is so fine . Love is the need of the hour for the whole…

By: rama
Hullo! Just discovered … and delighted! Will be here regularly. Keep up the great work, on behalf of all members of the School of…
By: seneca