Rediscovering Jinnah’s Politics: Pakistan and Democratic Nation-Building in South Asia
A special contribution by Dr. TT Sreekumar Jinnah’s image as an adamant fighter for a separate Muslim Homeland and hence as someone responsible for…

She Would Not Be Wrapped
For the British, anxious to distinguish themselves from the natives, nothing was more galling than Indians in European attire. The elite women, especially, in…

Think Fest Pakistan: Debating Jinnah’s Role In Pakistan Movement With Yasser Hamdani
Even though MA Jinnah led a public movement, founded a country, and changed the map of the world, many key aspects his life and…

Jinnah Unfairly Demonised for Partition
Jinnah was a “great leader†and was unfairly “demonised†by India for his role in the Partition, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Jaswant Singh…

Lost Imaginations
Sixty one years have gone by but the creation of Pakistan is still a heated debate: contested, fractured and bitter. That history has been…

On Bhagat Singh, His Vision And Jinnah’s Support For His Struggle
In his incisive speech to the Constituent Assembly on September 12 and 14, 1929, Jinnah harshly condemned the criminal colonial rule and the Government's…

The Indic civilisation
By Ishtiaq Ahmed Today’s article coincides with India’s declaration as a republic in 1950. The civilisational roots of modern India are always worth discussing,…