Without clouds shedding tears
Without the eyes – two clouds – the lightning of the heart: The fire of God’s threat, how could it be allayed? How would…

How long?
How long can i lament with this depressed heart and soul how long can i remain a sad autumn ever since my grief has…

Turned by the waves of Love – Rumi
Know that the wheeling heavens are turned by waves of Love: were it not for Love, the world would be frozen, stiff. How would…

Ba bazi-ye ishq mi bazam
Ba bazi-ye ishq mi bazam, sar-e bazaar sar bazam Rah-e mardan-e safa sazam, sar-e bazaar sar bazam Ba meydan asb mi tazam, to’i waqif…

A poem by Sarmad
A special friend sent this poem via Facebook. I have read it again and again..hope the readers like it too Along the road, you…

Let’s adore one another
come on sweetheart let’s adore one another before there is no more of you and me a mirror tells the truth look at your…

Doors in Metal
“Doors in Metal” by Rumi Tell me, O Love, Who is more elegant, You or this vast garden of yours? Shine, O moon, You…

Open the window of your heart
Do not worry if our harp breaks thousands more will appear. We have fallen in the arms of love where all is music. If…

In praise of mothers..
A reader from Karachi, Ahsan Jan Allawala – a student at the SZABIST, has contributed this little piece on the Mother’s Day. He wanted…

Why search for God?
Bulleh Shah – the master Sufi poet from medieval Punjab – identified where to find Love and the Divine presence. Nowhere, but within one’s…

A World with No Boundaries
With every breath the sound of love surrounds us, and we are bound for the depths of space, without distraction. We’ve been in orbit…

Dumbfounded by Love
Dear soul, Love alone cuts arguments short, for it alone comes to the rescue when you cry for help against disputes. Eloquence is dumbfounded…

I thought I must give up on life..
Solomon Marni has contributed this beautiful poem for JR. I thought I must give up on life And turn into a stone; The desert…

I bow before the image of my Love
I bow before the image of my Love No Muslim I But an idolater I bow before the image of my Love And worship…

Law, like love and Stop all the clocks – W H Auden
Taking a cue from the recent events in Pakistan, Ammar Qureshi has contributed a beautiful poem by Auden in a newspaper. I love the…

Ever drunk with love
Poetic version by Jonathan Star and Shahram Shiva “A Garden Beyond Paradise – The Mystical Poetry of Rumi” Bantam Books, 1992 Poem here >>…

“Give yourself a kiss” – Rumi
What can I write more about these lyrical lines and a thought process immersed in love. Version by Coleman Barks “Like This” Maypop, 1990…

love orphan and ish’q yateem – poems by Temporal
Temporal is a fine trancreative (a term invented by Temporal himself) poet. The ability to write and translate in multiple languages is a unique…

Everything except love is devoured by Love
The wild beast wouldn’t dare to devour the flesh of the lover: Love is recognized both by the corrupt and by the good; and…

The Ship Sunk in Love
My evening glows with Rumi’s presence. I am posting poems that I have been reading today. Contrary to several purists, I enjoy all the…