Raymond Davis and our national honour

A few weeks ago, when the Raymond Davis saga had gripped the public imagination, I had humbly suggested, on a TV show, that this…

Witch hunt grips Pakistan as bloody political assassinations deplete liberal ranks

By Amanda Hodge IT says much about Pakistan’s McCarthyist atmosphere that the television presenter whom many accuse of inciting the political assassinations rocking the…

Pakistan media: Through the looking glass

It is ironic that the electronic media which played a major role in the movement against a military dictatorship is now being cited as…

Media freedoms versus responsibility (holy cow syndrome)

Published in The News Much has been said about media accountability and the dire need of a regulation framework for Pakistan’s new power centre.…

Fair and accurate journalism

A friend asks: “Are we going to see this article splattered all over the front pages of major American newspapers? I highly doubt it.…

the new e-conflict zone for Indian, Pak netizens?

Times of India has quotes my post on Varun Gandhi today. Well, I know media-wallas have to find stories and sell. It was good…

Dholaks drowning gunfire

by Shreekant Gupta During a recent visit to Delhi I mentioned to my aunt that I planned to visit Rawalpindi next week for a…

Pakistani media – an alternative view

Themrise Khan sent me her provocative piece on Pakistani electronic media. It is a contested standpoint and will not be appreciated by all. But…

Who will win the game?

I have been amazed at the reaction that my little piece, “Policy shifts not war” published on these pages on Dec 4 has generated…

Through a screen, darkly

Pakistani cable operators, following the cyclical escalation of imagined hatreds, discontinued the transmission of Indian satellite channels in 2002. The absence of Indian TV…

How the Pentagon manipulated the media to promote the Iraq war

David Walsh writes at WSWS On April 20, the New York Times published a lengthy article by investigative reporter David Barstow detailing the US Defense Department’s…

Pakistan’s media: the opinion industry

On the flourishing ‘column’ industry despite the slow growth of readership’ What is so peculiar about the Pakistani media opinion factories churning out problems…

Of Old-journalism, New Media and Myopia

Three quotes from this story covering the Project for Excellence in Journalism’s annual State of the News Media report struck me: It was believed…

Lies, Half Truths and Deceit

There is talk of war again. There is a familiar web of lies, half-truths and deceit. As if the smouldering cities and dying civilians…

Egyptian Blogger Sentenced

Blogosphere faces another question – is it “free” enough? An Egyptian court has sentenced a blogger to four years’ prison for …. read here…

Hillary’s Mystery Woman – Huma Abedin

I am grateful to Nabeela Apa – our dear friend – for sending the link to this story published in the New York Observer.…