Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
My prince will protect me- therefore I trust in God The beloved will prostrate, will lament and cry- Therefore I trust in God. Mohammed…

Lal Shahbaz Qalander of Sindh
Source here Shahbaz Qalandar was born in Marwand to a dervish, Syed Ibrahim Kabiruddin whose ancestors migrated from Iraq and settled down in Mashhad,…

Watering the the Indus Valley
Published in telegraph.co.uk – Last Updated: 12:01am – BST – 17/05/2008 Peter Parker reviews Empires of the Indus: the Story of a River by…

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
If you are seeking Allah If you are seeking Allah, Then keep clear of religious formalities. Those who have seen Allah Are away from…