Priests and scholars parade their learning to please the kings
Abayat from Sultan Bahu on Priests and Scholars (thanks to Shahidain) “Parh parh ilam mulook rijhaavan, kiaa hoiaa is parhiaan hoo Hargiz makkhan mool…

My Master has planted jasmine in my heart
Shahidain has sent another Bait from Sultan Bahu for Jahane Rumi “Alif-Allaah chambe dee bootee murshid man wich laee hoo Naffee asbat daa panee…

The priest thrives on self promotion
A Bait from Sultan Bahu “Haafiz parh parh karan takabbur, mullaan karan vadaaee hoo Saavan maah de badalaan vaangoon phiran kitaabaan chaaee hoo Jithe…