مقبوضہ کشمیر کی خصوصی حیثیت ختم کرنے پر عالمی برادری کا ردعمل

مقبوضہ کشمیر کی خصوصی حیثیت ختم کرنے کا بھارتی اقدام عالمی سطح پر تنقید کی زد میں اقوام متحدہ نے کشمیر کی خصوصی حیثیت…

مسئلہ کشمیر پر پاکستان واضح حکمت عملی کا اعلان کرنے میں ناکام

بھارت نے غیرقانونی طور پر مقبوضہ کشمیر کی خصوصی حیثیت کو ختم کر دیا ہے, بھارت کے اس اقدام کے ردعمل میں پاکستانی قیادت…

پشاور میں پولیس گردی، گلبہار ریلوے ٹریک پر تجاوزات کے خلاف آپریشن کے دوران پولیس کا تشدد

گلبہار ریلوے ٹریک پر تجاوزات کے خلاف آپریشن کے دوران خیبر نیوز ٹیم کو کوریج سے روک دیا دیا ڈی ایس پی ریلوے عالمگیر…

Indian Celebrities Share Their Shocking Opinions On Current Situation of Kashmir.

India’s revoking of the special constitutional status of occupied Kashmir through a rushed presidential order has given rise to fears of violence and bloodshed…

What Can Pakistan Do In The Wake Of Article 370 Revocation?

India revoked #Article370 of the constitution withdrawing Kashmiris’ right to legislate for themselves. What can #Pakistan do to counter this now? Do we even…

Watch how japanese scientists will inject human cells into rats

Scientists in Japan will inject human cells into rat and mice embryos to create animal-human hybrids. Under the experiment, the animal-human embryos will later…

What Does Revocation Of Article 370 Entail For Kashmiris

Everything you want to know about the revocation of Article 370, its significance for Indian Occupied Kashmir and what it entails for the Kashmiris…

Use of Religion in Politics Interview With Murtaza Solangi

Murtaza Solangi and Tanzeela Mazhar discuss how political parties in Pakistan have often resorted to the use of  religion in politics…

Movement for women’s right after Independence By Rosheen Aqib

Rosheen Aqib delinates on women’s rights movement after independence.…

Is Maryam Nawaz The Next Benazir Bhutto Of Pakistan?

How young writers get their reading skills back By Ali Akbar Natiq

Ali Akbar Natiq explains how young writers can get back their reading skills. Natiq argues that there are two to three things that can…

Govt To Restore, Reopen Historic Sikh Temples Soon

In Jhelum, a Sikh temple dating back to 1834 Was reopened after almost 70 years of abandonment. The ETPB hosted the opening ceremony and…

بھارتی باکسر کا عامر خان کو عجیب و غریب چیلنج، کیا باکسنگ کونسل ایکشن لے گی؟

بھارتی باکسر نے انتہا پسندانہ انداز اپناتے ہوئے بندوقیں سامنے رکھ کر پاکستانی نژاد برطانوی باکسر عامر خان کو چیلنج دیا، جس پر عامر…

Horse Trading in Senate – Back To The Era Pakistan Needs To Forget

Horse trading, pressure tactics and the old tools for ‘managed’ parliaments have been defeating democracy in the past. The failed motion against Chairman Senate…

پنجاب کے دل لاہور پر انڈر ورلڈ کا قبضہ،یہ گینگز کتنے طاقتور اور بااثر ہیں؟ جانیے اس ویڈیو میں

– لاہور شہر میں انڈر ورلڈ ڈانز کا راج ختم نہیں ہو سکا ہے – سیاسی وابستگیاں، پیسہ اور طاقتور گینگز ان ڈانز کی…

Man doing masturbation in public got arrested

A man was masturbating today on a road in Lahore when a lady filmed him doing it. The police arrested the man, yes. But…

Move Courts Against Harassment, Law Will Protect You, Fatima Butt Tells Pakistani Women

If you are a victim of harassment, don’t take it lying down. The laws are in place to protect you against your tormentors. Advocate…

The PTM ‘Problem’ And Pakistan’s Security Establishment

In this video, Raza Rumi and Ailia Zehra discuss the recent Pashtun uprising including the PTM challenge and how state should deal with it.…

How Can Pakistan Deal With Its Debts: Raza Rumi In Discussion With Fahad Ali

The economist Fahad Ali in conversation with Raza Rumi explains how Pakistan can deal with its external debt in the coming years. Two major…

Murtaza Solangi And Raza Rumi Discuss Plight Of Media Workers In Pakistan

Murtaza Solangi and Raza Rumi discuss the situation of media freedom in Pakistan. While Murtaza Solangi believes that the government and the state institutions…
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