Pakistan: Hiding state failure by invoking the ‘foreign hand’ theory
1) Repetitive trends. When Sri Lanka’s cricket team was attacked in Lahore the civil administration and police on TV said India did it. Raza…

Raza Rumi’s analysis on the political unstability in Pakistan in the wake of 2014 dharna and protests. Rumi says that the incumbent government has…

On the divided media of Pakistan (Urdu video)
My analysis on the division of Media in Pakistan. There are several important issues associated with Pakistan’s Media. Here I highlight three of the most…

Aftermath of Taliban’s deadly attack on Karachi airport
A deadly attack on Karachi’s International Airport has raised questions about Pakistan’s security and the government’s ability to thwart terrorist attacks. Pakistan was shaken…

On the current political crisis in Pakistan
My analysis on the current political crisis in Pakistan When Nawaz Sharif assumed power in 2013, the expectation was that he might soon be…

Rannikot II
Salman Rashid muses on the ancient site of Rannikot in Sindh and prefers that it is”enigmatic, inscrutable, inviting” One thing is certain about Rannikot: it…

Enhancing Pak-India Trade Ties
Notwithstanding Pakistan’s internal challenges or the ‘war on terror’ in its backyard, the troubled relationship with India continues to drive its internal and external…

Raza Rumi on panchayat laws against women
I condemn opression against the weak underprivilidged communities in Pakistan…

Khabar se Agey, Raza Rumi on Karachi problems
Raza Rumi’s analysis on the issues of Karachi including the recent report by International Crisis Group (ICG). Rumi says there is now a need…

Seedhi Baat, Raza Rumi on terrorism and threat on media
Raza Rumi discusses terrorism in Pakistan and the role played by PMLN to curb it – 2014.…

Raza Rumi says that Karachi operation not the ultimate solution, we have to build institutions
Raza Rumi says that the sucess of the operation in Karachi can only be guranteed if all the stakeholders are taken into consideration. However,…

Raza Rumi says Pakistan should see its interest in Iran Pakistan gas pipeline, says it will shorten
The gas crisis worsens in Pakistan. Raza Rumi says Pakistan should see its interest in Iran Pakistan gas pipeline.…

Raza Rumi says lack of proper energy policy for decades have created huge gas crisis
Raza Rumi asserts that the prevailing gas crisis in the county is impacting everyone. The demand for gas is way more than its supply.…

Raza Rumi said PTI rally in Lahore lacked fervor
Raza Rumi’s analysis on Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaaf’s rally in Lahore December 2013. He says the rally was not as croweded as the one in 2011.…

Pakistan, Taliban and Karzai
My piece for ANN (link) where I argue how Pakistan’s Prime Minister is struggling to taking charge of the country’s security policies, away from…

The future of Afghanistan – towards a regional solution
Here is a video podcast I did for the Pak-China institute. The transcript follows the video. The situation in Afghanistan, especially as its unfolding…

Raza Rumi says OBL Commission fails to serve its purpose
Raza Rumi’s analysis of the OBL comission report. He says the report has not clearly identified who is responsible for the incident.…

Mumkin, Raza Rumis analysis on the leaked OBL commission report
Raza Rumi says in wake of the OBL incident – it appears that the incumbent government wants a greater control and say in Pakistan’s…

Raza Rumi says other Muslim countries have adopted birth control
Raza Rumi’s opinion on increasing population rates in Pakistan. He illustrates how Muslim countries across the globe have been promoting birth control measures.…

Hassan Rouhani: Iran’s New President Will Build Alliances With India and Afghanistan
Here is something I wrote for policymic An unprecedented number of Iranians at home and abroad participated in the 11th presidential elections in the…