…inwardly we preceded everyone
If for fruit the gardener Felt no desire or hope Why then would He have planted The root of the tree **** Inwardly then,…

Fana – story of a merchant and his parrot
The concept of fana and mystic union is wonderfully expressed by Mevlana Rumi in his Mathnawi and tells the story of a merchant and…

Let us fall in love again
Rumi’s lilting chant.. Let us fall in love again and scatter gold dust all over the world. Let us become a new spring and…

Enthralled only by love
whenever you meet someone deep drunk yet full of wisdom be aware and watch this person is enthralled only by love anytime you see…

In Love that Long
I am here, this moment, inside the beauty, the gift God has given, our love: this gold and circular sign means we are free…

When compassion fills my heart
I am happy when I am sad I am together when fallen apart like earth when I am silent I have thunder hidden inside…

The Verge of Tears
You make our souls tasty like rose marmalade. You cause us to fall flat on the ground like the shadow of a cypress still…

“Better than Cabbage Soup”
Rumi on the deeper meanings of fasting in Ramzan What sweetness lies in an empty stomach! Man is like a lute: no more, no…

Eternity is the mirror of the temporal, the temporal the mirror of pre-eternity
I am seeing a moon outside the eye in the eye, which neither eye has seen or ear heard of. I do not see…

Soul of all souls
“Soul of all souls, life of all life you are That. Seen and unseen, moving and unmoving you are That. The road that leads…

Ask us about the lion of God
This caravan is not bringing our baggage — it has none of the fire of our Friend. Though the trees have all turned green,…

Har Lehza Ba Shaklay But-e-Ayyar Baraamad
A Kalam of Jalal Ud Din Rumi Performed by Farid Ayaz Qawal Har lehza ba shaklay but-e-ayyar baraamad Dil burd-o-nihaan shud Har dum ba…

Doing as others told me/I was blind
Rumi’s Quatrain (no 77) can have so many interpretations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Doing as others told me, I was blind. Coming when others called me, I…

Rumi to Hazrat Ali
You are like the gate of that City of knowledge You are a ray of that sum of forbearance O gate, remain open for…

Desperately seeking simplicity – and unity
This afternoon I discovered two souls at the workplace who were talking of the inner self and how we often let the world and…

The intricate windings of the way
The worth of a treasury is indicated by the many locks upon it. The greatness of the traveler’s goal is marked by the intricate…

Thou art the sky and the deep sea (Rumi)
When you fall asleep, you go from the presence of yourself into your own true presence. You hear something and surmise that someone else…

Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
By Jalal-Uddin Rumi Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. Friends are enemies sometimes, and enemies friends. I was a tiny…

On the bank of the river
On the bank of the river, water is grudged by that one alone who is blind to the flowing stream. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bar lab-e ju…