Love and the Law: An exerpt from Bulleh Shah (Required reading if you have studied the law)
By Sovmind Bulleh Shah (1680 – 1757) was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher from what is now considered Pakistan. As one…

At this one point, all talk ends – Bulleh Shah
Bulleh Shah Pakar saaf dile diyaan khavaabaan nu. Gal aise ghar vich dhukkdi eh, ik nuqte vich gal mukdi eh. Hold tight…

Baba Bulleh Shah’s gift
Dr Manzur Ejaz writing for the TFT According to myth, if perfectly sung by a master, the classical raga Malkauns can set a river…

Four poems by Bulleh Shah (new translations)
Who I am I know not who I am, I am neither a believer going to the mosque Nor given to non-believing ways. Neither…

Unveiling the mysteries – Bulleh Shah
Bulleh Shah discloses that the Lord pervades in everyone. He is not only to be found in Mansur, but also his executioner, as also…

I will inflame the fiery Sun…..Bulleh Shah
In Punjabi followed by a not-so-great translation…. Tooney kaaman kar ke ni maeN peyaara yaar manaavaaN gee Es tooney nu parh phookaaN gee, suraj…

Bulleh Shah – 3 poems of love and abandon
Bulleh Shah of Kasur in Central Punjab is another towering voice that provided a mystical message beyond caste, institutionalized religion and ideologies of power.…

A stove is better than Bulleh
Main NeevaaN Mera Murshid Uccha Main UcchiyaaN naal sang laayee I am lowly my spiritual guide is lofty! I have tied my fate to…

Bulleh Shah and Nukta – In a dot the whole mystery is solved
Nukta is difficult to decipher -My personal interpretation has to do with the nukta of Being – like the letter Alif that is Single…

Bulleh’s virtuous thoughts-
Shahidain has sent these couplets Main NeevaaN Mera Murshid Uccha Main UcchiyaaN naal sang laayee I am lowly my spiritual guide is lofty! I…

My Beloved Ranjha is Mecca
For Bulleh Shah every symbol of living – spiritual and temporal -is Ranjha, the beloved! The text and translation have been contributed by Shahidain…

Bulleh Shah on worldly knowledge
PaRh paRh ilm hazaar kitaabaN qaddi apnay aap nou paRhiya naee jaaN jaaN waRhday mandir maseedi qaddi mann apnay wich waRhiya naee aa-vaiN laRda…

Songs of Lalon Fakir – The Bengali Mystic
Found these two poems by Lalon Fakir – the singing mystic of Bengal who echoes Bulleh Shah, Kabir and the tradition of Bhakti. A…

Bulleh Shah – I long for you, what can be done?
Contribution by Shahidain In this kafi, the Sufi poet Bulleh Shah reveals the unbearble pain of seperation from his Beloved. He can not give…

What if Bulleh Shah were alive today?
Another tragic day. A mob attacks a Christian couple after accusing them of desecration of the Holy Quran and then burn their bodies at…

Video| On Kabir, Bulleh Shah and Lalon Shah
Not a great recording of my talk at Kuch Khaas, Islamabad. I read some of my papers – written by me on three of…

For I do not recognise myself
ATP recently published a piece of mine on Rumi and Bulleh Shah. I have quoted a translation of Rumi’s verse (rendered by Reynold A.…

Bulleh for our times
By Ali Abbas Mystifying is the turn of time, indeed. Refuted by clerics of his time, the same Bulleh Shah who was refused burial…

Chal Way Bullehya Chal Othay Chaliyay – Let’s go where everyone is blind
Chal Way Bullehya Chal Othay Chaliyay Jithay Saaray Annay Na Koi Saadee Zaat PichHanay Tay Na Koi Saanu Mannay *** O Bulleh Shah let’s…