Rumi and Sufism
An Interview with Seyyed Hossein Nasr on Islam’s Spiritual Science in the Modern Age By WAJAHAT ALI Rumi, the best selling poet in America…

Fascist Wilders should be ignored
“..calling it a film is to abuse both the English language and the legacy of cinema” Yesterday, a friend sent an internet link to…

Islamic poster art in India – and South Asia
This piece entitled, My Name is Green, published in the weekly Outlook India traces how “forged in the cultural ferment of a century ago,…

Mian Mir’s 384th Urs
Mian Mir’s death anniversary celebrations are commencing today. Mian Mir is regarded as one of the greatest Sufi saints of the Subcontinent. He belonged…

Jama Masjid Delhi: The Real Estate Hunt and the State
By Sadia Dehlvi Jama Masjid, the last significant and glorious monuments of the Mughal period now faces a threat of extinction in the garb…

Turkey in Radical Revision of Islamist Texts
Turkey is working on a revolutionary new interpretation of the Prophet Mohammed’s reputed sayings, known as the Hadith. The project is aimed at allowing…

Rumi to Hazrat Ali
You are like the gate of that City of knowledge You are a ray of that sum of forbearance O gate, remain open for…

Islam, law and finance: the elusive divine
Fred Halliday begins his argument in the captioned article published by Open Democracy with these lines: In many European countries in particular (the Netherlands,…

The Radical Message Of Muharram
Muharram reminds us of the Kerbala tragedy; and Imam Hussain’s (AS) refusal to submit to the autocracy of Yazid. This episode is laden with…

Rethinking Islam and Hinduism
S Irfan Habib in New Delhi There has been a lot of noise about rethinking in Islam, particularly post September 11,2001. I feel it…

A few notes on the 10th of Muharram
God’s wisdom is beyond comprehension. The 10th of Muharram is simultaneously the most celebrated day in the Islamic Calendar, and simultaneously the most sorrowful…

Shah Ast Hussain
10th Moharram is a day of mourning for all Muslims. The tragic incident at Kerbala where the righteous Hussain refused to submit to the…

Muslims in Germany” study: State-propagated racism under the guise of science
Muslims in Germany are completely alienated politically and also have to cope with a racist witch-hunt, which has increased continually ever since the September…

In Benazir’s death
It was in the dargah compound of Ajmer when our phones started buzzing with friends and relatives wanting to share grief on the loss…

Prophet Mohammed And The Mystics
Written by Sadia Dehlvi Prophet Mohammed was born on a Monday, the twelfth night of Rabi ul awwal in Mecca in the year 570…

A paranoid, abhorrent obsession
It was a pleasure to have read Pankaj Mishra in the Guardian: Last week Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali-Dutch polemicist, spoke to a gathering…

Of ignorance and knowledge – thinking of Professor Aghajari
I am a child whose teacher is love. surely my master won’t let me grow to be a fool* I have been told that…

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai
If you are seeking Allah If you are seeking Allah, Then keep clear of religious formalities. Those who have seen Allah Are away from…