The Most Dangerous Ideology in America

Republicans and rightwing media are directly responsible for the mass shooting in Buffalo. The horrific massacre on May 14 in Buffalo, New York, is…

Punjab By-Elections: Imran Khan’s Populist Rhetoric Wins

This is the time for Pakistan’s establishment to smell the coffee for its adventurism since 2016 has resulted in the current imbroglio. If there…

July 17 Polls: Will PML-N Survive The Challenge?

As the July 17 by-polls in the Punjab come closer, the political rhetoric of former PM Imran Khan has gained intensity indicating how the…

Imran Khan’s Ouster: Why Did The Hybrid Regime Collapse?

The dramatic events of March-April 2022 highlight the breakdown within the hybrid regime. Of late Khan’s cronies have admitted the conflict with the establishment…

News Analysis | Delay In Cabinet Formation Bodes Ill For Parliamentary Democracy

The prime minister, also known as ‘speedy Shehbaz’, should demonstrate his ‘speed’ by announcing the cabinet without any delay and involve the parliament in…

Imran Khan’s Coup Has Pushed Pakistan To Anarchy. Will The Supreme Court Act?

Systemic shocks such as the one designed and executed on Sunday, if not remedied by the judiciary, will normalise fascism and set dangerous precedents…

image><url>×48.jpg</url><title>Naya Daur</title><link></link><width>32</width><height>32</height></image>-<item><title>Despite the roadblocks, Pakistan’s democracy is making progress</title><link></link><pubDate>Mon, 23 Jul 2018 22:35:44 +0000</pubDate>+<dc:creator> <guid isPermaLink=”false”></guid><description/>-<content:encoded> <![CDATA[Tomorrow, Pakistanis will elect a new government. This…

Dr Aamir Butt has translated Sahir’s great poem into English | Mufamat

Mufamat: Compromise Nasheb-e-arz pe zarroñ ko pā kar bulandiyoñ pe safed-o-siyāh mil hī ga.e jo yādgār the bāham satīza-kārī kī ba-faiz-e-vaqt vo dāman ke chaak…

A message from Nizamudddin Dargah

I have never met Marta but the attachment to Nizamuddin Dargah has bound us for years. Yesterday I got this email and beautiful photographs…

A twist in the tale

My Interview conducted by Abdullah Khan for Earthen Lamp Journal: ELJ: Tell us something about your journey from being a civil servant to a…

The day I’m killed

Dr Az a fearless and sensitive soul – sent me this poem via email. Travel TicketsThe day I’m killed,my killer, rifling through my pockets,will…

Countless walls that divide the hearts – by Majeed Amjad

I had written about Majeed Amjad, a forgotten but outstanding Urdu poet of twentieth century. Today, a friend tagged me (on facebook) with another…

Afghanistan: no cooperation, no stability

This is a shorter version of a brief which was prepared for Pakistani Senate’s standing committee on Defence. Also published here. Full report here…

Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature – Schimmel

Thanks to a friend on Twitter I rediscovered this essay by the great Annemarie Schimmel which I had read in the pre-internet times. The…

Destruction of Lahore’s Walled City is rampant as restoration efforts remain sketchy

One of my three reports published earlier this year in Herald’s annual issue on heritage Lahore fabled Walled City is now a grand metaphor…

18 June, 2012 New York Times story: Coverage of Scandal Dents Credibility of Pakistani TV News The credibility of the electronic media is at…

Marta Franceschini: H Nizamuddin Auliya’s devotee

This message cheered me up. Amazing that some of us have never met yet there is a bond we share – the calm space…

Love and the Law: An exerpt from Bulleh Shah (Required reading if you have studied the law)

By Sovmind Bulleh Shah (1680 – 1757) was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher from what is now considered Pakistan. As one…

At this one point, all talk ends – Bulleh Shah

Bulleh Shah   Pakar saaf dile diyaan khavaabaan nu. Gal aise ghar vich dhukkdi eh, ik nuqte vich gal mukdi eh.   Hold tight…