Only you, know my pains – Rabba Meray Haal Da Mehrem Tu
“O God, you are my state of being” is what this Kafi of Shah Hussain loosely means. It is about the internal and external…

Berkeley Lecture| Democracy & its Discontents: Project Naya Pakistan
On November 19, 2018: I spoke at Berkeley University on ‘Democracy & its Discontents: Project Naya Pakistan’ Here is what Habib University’s website noted:…

Panelists analyze midterm election results
November 14, 2018: Panelists analyze midterm election results A panel of Ithaca College faculty members discussed the winners and effects of the recent midterm election,…

Raza Rumi on Hospitality
A Tidings conversation about hospitality, friendship and loyalty with Raza Rumi, a Pakistani journalist, blogger, author of Delhi by Heart: Impressions of a Pakistani…

Majoritarian politics in South Asia
Majoritarian Politics in South Asia is a riveting issue, and in 2018, a particularly topical one. The South Asian Studies Council was pleased to…

Raza Rumi recites Fahmida Riaz’s “Tum Bilkul Hum Jaise Nikle”
Raza Rumi recites Fahmida Riaz’s “Tum Bilkul Hum Jaise Nikle” at a South Asian discussion forum held at Yale University. Indians, Pakistanis were present…

The warning signs are here — is anyone listening?
November 4, 2018: The warning signs are here — is anyone listening? Asia Bibi, a poor Christian farm worker, wrongfully accused of blasphemy was…

Introducing Barandon Smith at Ithaca College
Smith has been published in The Guardian, Al Jazeera, The Daily Beast and other publications and won the Izzy Award with activist Jamie Kalven in…

تھر کے مندر تو آج بھی موروں کی خوراک کا انتظام کر رہے ہیں، مگر حکومت کہاں ہے؟
ننگر پارکر میں ایسے بہت سارے مندر موجود ہیں جہاں ان خوبصورت موروں کی باقاعدہ نگہداشت کی جاتی ہے. لیکن ان مندروں کی حکومت…

Story of a brutal, cold-blooded murder
Jamal Khashoggi entered Saudi Consulate in Turkey and never returned! Khashoggi entered the Saudi Consulate on October 2, while his fiancè waited outside. The…

بی این پی پاکستان تحریک انصاف کی حکومت سے علیحدہ کیوں ہونا چاہتی ہے؟
وزیر اعظم عمران خان کے انتخاب میں بی این پی کے 4 ووٹوں نے انتہائی اہمیت کا حامل کردار ادا کیا لیکن اب بی این…

The limits of populism
October 14, 2018: The limits of populism It has been more than fifty days since the creation of Naya Pakistan. The hype, the promise and…

When democracy turns into a farce
October 7, 2018: When democracy turns into a farce The arrest of Leader of the Opposition and former Chief Minister Punjab Shehbaz Sharif is a reminder…

لیاری کا ایک باصلاحیت میک اپ آرٹسٹ
عاصم سے ملئے جو لیاری سے تعلق رکھنے والا ایک باصلاحیت میک اپ آرٹسٹ ہے وہ روزمرہ کے استعمال میں آنے والی کاسمیٹکس اور…

Park’s New Perspective
September 30, 2018: Park’s New Perspective Over the summer, Ithaca College appointed Raza Rumi, a Pakistani journalist, author, and policy analyst, as the new…

Reforming the civil service — avoiding the pitfalls
September 30, 2018: Reforming the civil service — avoiding the pitfalls There is wide consensus across Pakistan’s political spectrum that the civil service needs…

Pakistan: Judiciary and Politics
September 30, 2018: Pakistan: Judiciary and Politics Pakistan’s judges have been adjudicating on political contests since the 1950s and the record, on balance, remains…

New independent media director brings international perspective
September 23, 2018: New independent media director brings international perspective When Raza Rumi went home for winter break last year, he believed he had just…

Pakistan’s Judiciary Has Historically Been Tough On Elected Leaders. Is It Any Different Now?
Pakistan’s judges have been adjudicating on political contests since the 1950s and the record, on balance, remains tilted against elected politicians. The case of…