Naya Daur is taking you on a tour to culturally enriched country Pakistan

Naya Daur is taking you on a tour to culturally enriched country Pakistan, have a look at the main events in the past year 2018.

Pakistan is a lush country, having a rich culture and various ethnicities dwelling peacefully in it. Naya Daur fulfilled its commitment of bringing the salient and positive features of Pakistan into spotlight from the last year 2018.

From enriching cultural events, convergence examples of foreign countries increased interest in Pakistan, beholding sights that brought back healthy tourism to its diversity and beauty of true secularism, 2018 was a culturally thriving year for Pak. And Naya Daur unravels the latent spark and beauty that lies in this eastern country.

When we talk about Pakistani culture, food has to be on top because food is a part and parcel of culture in this part of the world. In fact tourists travelling to Pakistan from across the globe find the food here to be equally rich as the culture itself, people can’t stop their hands from having the spicy and full of rich flavourish dishes.

Foreigners find Pakistani food so colorful and relate the color with the vibrance of culture. Any festival celebrated here goes incomplete without the food having rich aroma.

Here are some prominent events from 2018 elaborating and exhibiting the much loved culture of Pakistan

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