Imran Khan Vs Military Establishment: The Final Showdown Begins?
The ugly scenes of excessive shelling, PTI workers pelting stones at the police force and the eventual incapacity of the government to arrest former prime minister Imran…
پشاور میں پولیس گردی، گلبہار ریلوے ٹریک پر تجاوزات کے خلاف آپریشن کے دوران پولیس کا تشدد
گلبہار ریلوے ٹریک پر تجاوزات کے خلاف آپریشن کے دوران خیبر نیوز ٹیم کو کوریج سے روک دیا دیا ڈی ایس پی ریلوے عالمگیر…
Khabar se Agey, Raza Rumi on Karachi problems
Raza Rumi’s analysis on the issues of Karachi including the recent report by International Crisis Group (ICG). Rumi says there is now a need…
Raza Rumi says that Karachi operation not the ultimate solution, we have to build institutions
Raza Rumi says that the sucess of the operation in Karachi can only be guranteed if all the stakeholders are taken into consideration. However,…
State accountability
My piece published in The Friday Times (June 18 issue) Leaving aside the political debate on the results of the recent Transparency International (TI)…
We’re all to blame for lawlessness
I have been quoted in this report – on law and order in Pakistan (the backdrop is World Justice Report). My quotes are slightly…
Lahore is burning
[reportedly] 27 dead and dozens injured – no respite for us. Once again, in less than a month Lahore has been ravaged by terrorists.…
Sad times in Lahore
What a sad day it was – a city that usually glows with spring colours and crisp air was a death-zone. Everyone was afraid…
West Bengal in turmoil – end of an era?
The gruesome Nandigram murders, the death of Rizwanul who married an upper caste Muslim girl and Taslima Nasreen’s expulsion from West Bengal are all…
Shoaib Akhtar in Delhi
This photo was published by the Daily Times with the caption New cap for Pakistan? with the following text: Shoaib Akhtar light-heartedly wears the…