Rickshaw and truck poetry from Pakistan
My old friend Raza Bokhari sent me these golden lines used by our rickshaw & truck drivers to express their angst, emotion and sense…

The Speech of Mr. Sris Chandra Chattopadhya (Opposition to Objectives Resolution, Constitutent Assembly of Pak, 12 March 1949)
This is a historic speech and a document that posterity will re-examine. Seldom has one piece of legislation caused so much trepidation. Thanks to…

Loveable Murree
I was recently asked to write where I would spend my summer. For a few minutes I kept my anguish at Pakistan’s situation…

Rediscovering Jinnah’s Politics: Pakistan and Democratic Nation-Building in South Asia
A special contribution by Dr. TT Sreekumar Jinnah’s image as an adamant fighter for a separate Muslim Homeland and hence as someone responsible for…

The sad reality of Indo-Pak relations
The inimitable Khalid Hasan writes with veiled frustration: “….the last six decades of India-Pakistan relations have proved the step-by-step approach to be a dismal…

Blog I Visit
Blog I Visit 3quarksdaily A reader’s words Al Wisdom All Things Pakistan Amardeep Singh Amitava Kumar Another subcontinent Awakening the Soul Baithak Bamboo Shade…

Godless Bullets
Salman Taseer’s killing reflects the fight over Pakistan’s soul (OUTLOOK INDIA) AMIR MIR When Punjab governor Salman Taseer stepped out of the Table Talk…

From Lahore To Gwadar: Flawed Development Model Undermines Citizens’ Rights
For years, the local Baloch population has been complaining about their non-inclusion in the medium- and long-term development plans. Towards the end of 2021,…

Will Sialkot Tragedy Change The State Policy Of Appeasing Religious Fanatics?
The Sialkot tragedy should be a wakeup call for the incumbent government as well as the all powerful establishment. The brutal lynching and burning of…

The Spectacular Rise Of TLP And The Challenges Ahead
Even without a wider platform or broad agenda to achieve victory in the polls, groups such as TLP are poised to exploit the grievances…

Civil Services Reform: Pakistan’s Lingering Challenge
There is widespread consensus in Pakistan that the bureaucracy needs reform. However, focusing on the federal level alone and ignoring the requisite changes needed…

LLF 2021: Raza Rumi Discusses ‘Desi Delicacies’ Book By Claire Chambers
In Lahore Literary Festival 2021, Raza Rumi moderated a panel discussion with author Claire Chambers who shed light on her latest work ‘Desi Delicacies’.…

ThinkFest Pakistan 2021: Debating Jinnah’s Successes And Failures With Ishtiaq Ahmad
Raza Rumi interviews Professor Ishtiaq Ahmad for his latest, insightful and challenging book on the founder of Pakistan: ‘Jinnah: His Successes, Failures and Role…

My Interview On Digital Media In Pakistan And Beyond
The mainstream media in Pakistan does not give a full picture or cover all pertinent angles. The main job of media is to inform…

New US Administration And Indo-Pak Relations; Is There A Way Forward?
Raza Rumi shares key insights on impact of prospective Biden administration on foreign front, especially in South Asian context, Indo-Pak stalemate and nationalism, and…

Was Iqbal Against The Idea of Secularism? Watch Faisal Devji’s Interview with Raza Rumi
Faisal Devji is one of the foremost historians on the politics of Indian subcontinent. In this interview with Raza Rumi for Naya Daur Media,…

Book E-Launch – The Battle For Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and A Tough Neighborhood
In this e-launch of Shuja Nawaz’s The Battle for Pakistan: The Bitter US Friendship and A Tough Neighborhood, the panelists (Shuja Nawaz, Raza Rumi,…

Pakistan’s Youth And Their Concerns: A Discussion
In this talk, Raza Rumi is joined by Nayab Jan, Imaan Zainab Mazari-Hazir, Hamza Ghaznavi, Rafiullah Kakar, Basil Nabi Malik to discuss the problems…

Pakistan Food Culture, Recipes, Cuisines: Discussion with Niloferr Qazi and Haya Emaan
Connoisseurs of food Niloferr Afridi Qazi and Haya Emaan talk with Raza Rumi about the richness of Pakistani cuisine, its unique tastes, techniques and…

Think Fest Pakistan: Debating Jinnah’s Role In Pakistan Movement With Yasser Hamdani
Even though MA Jinnah led a public movement, founded a country, and changed the map of the world, many key aspects his life and…