Love and the Law: An exerpt from Bulleh Shah (Required reading if you have studied the law)
By Sovmind Bulleh Shah (1680 – 1757) was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher from what is now considered Pakistan. As one…

At this one point, all talk ends – Bulleh Shah
Bulleh Shah Pakar saaf dile diyaan khavaabaan nu. Gal aise ghar vich dhukkdi eh, ik nuqte vich gal mukdi eh. Hold tight…

The land of his dreams
Professor Javaid Iqbal Syed’s memoir traverses the political and the personal, the mundane and the sublime, and weaves a narrative that reflects the decades…

Before it’s too late
Pakistan’s radicalization is now a threat to its society and the region. Whilst General Zia ul Haq will be remembered for institutionalizing extremism, most…

My Master has planted jasmine in my heart
Shahidain has sent another Bait from Sultan Bahu for Jahane Rumi “Alif-Allaah chambe dee bootee murshid man wich laee hoo Naffee asbat daa panee…

Priests and scholars parade their learning to please the kings
Abayat from Sultan Bahu on Priests and Scholars (thanks to Shahidain) “Parh parh ilam mulook rijhaavan, kiaa hoiaa is parhiaan hoo Hargiz makkhan mool…

The Journey Within
By Wanderer It was in August 1989 and the date was either 10 or 11. I had a strange dream, a dream that I…

On secularism, Jinnah and Pakistan
My contribution for Jinnah Institute’s secular space What are we fighting for? What are we aiming at? It is not theocracy, not for a…

The teachings of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
1. The heart of a lover is like a furnace of love. Whatever goes into it is burnt to nothingness because there is no…
Pakistan Policy Group – logo
Here is a log for the informal network of policy practice, research, advisory and communication activities. It would be good to know the feedback…

Beo Zafar – Pakistan’s ace-comediane
A short piece that I wrote on Beo, Pakistan’s ace-comediane whose talents are diverse and ever-blooming. Beo [Khala] as I have known her for…

Pakistan’s crumbling institutions
Published in The News (Sunday) Pakistan’s instability is a clichè, almost a self-fulfilling prophecy. All the theoretical ingredients for stability are there: an elected…

Music sans frontiers
By GEETA NANDAKUMAR Song of the soul Farida Khanum ‘Aaj jaane ki zid na karo, haaye mar jaayenge ham to lut jaaenge, aisii baatein…

More on Fahmida Riaz
Thanks to Isa Daudpota who sent me the text and the translated poems after he had heard Kamila Shamsie talk about her.. Fahmida Raiz,…

On Nietzsche
I am happy to publish this guest post sent from New Zealand.. (RR) “Let us honour if we can, the vertical man, Though we…