Mission Accomplished – Louise Rill on Iraq
Stumbling upon Louise Rill’s poetry website was rewarding. I found this unyielding poem on Iraq operation signifying the emotions of many citizens in the…

Images – More on Iqbal Hussain
The celebrated artist Iqbal Hussain also runs the famous Cooco’s cafe in the old Lahore. My friend of the Olive Ream fame was there…

Iqbal Hussain – Lahore’s controversial artist
Iqbal Hussain from Lahore is one of the finest painters we have. Most of his paintings depict women from the Heera Mandi (literally the…

Yellow and Green
The yellow and the green defines old buildings in Hanoi. The image above is an old school building. Reminds me of our government…

Hanoi – Within the River
Today I found out that Ha Noi means “within the river” About the capital, the Vietnamese poet Nguyen Cong Tru (1778-1858) writes.. Whether it…

Hillary’s Mystery Woman – Huma Abedin
I am grateful to Nabeela Apa – our dear friend – for sending the link to this story published in the New York Observer.…

Turned by the Waves of Love
Know that the wheeling heavens are turned by waves of Love: were it not for Love, the world would be frozen, stiff. How would…

O how the Beloved fits inside my heart
O how the Beloved fits inside my heart; Like a thousand souls in one body, A thousand harvests in one sheaf of wheat, A…

Travelling again
Once again I am travelling .. I love to travel but when the internet connections in certain parts of the world are not great,…

Shah Ast Hussain – II
After reading my earlier post, my dear friend Sheraz Haider has corrected the translation of the Persian quatrain Shah Ast Hussain as follows: Ruler…

By: Wajahat Abbas
Really a good blog. I am from Karachi, but these days i am in Lahore on project, and want to meet you. Though i…

Katas Temple
I found this beautiful image on Pak Pics blog. The picture was uploaded by Naeem Rashid. And read this in my inbox: Jhooti Mooti…

No place like home: inventive [homesick] Pakistanis
The popularity of Internet as a medium and the personal space it provides to the diaspora is evident from the growing number of Urdu…

Shah Ast Hussain
Khawaja Ghareeb Nawaz’s immortal verses on the status of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS) Shah ast Hussain, Badshah ast Hussain Deen ast Hussain, Deen Panah…

Unending thirst – Rumi
I don’t get tired of You. Don’t grow weary of being compassionate toward me! All this thirst-equipment must surely be tired of me, the…

Marta’s Story – from the Heart
I had posted a few pictures for Marta and she responded with these lines – true from the heart and reflecting the impact that…

The subject tonight is love – hafiz
Carrying God No one can keep us from carrying God Wherever we go. No one can rob His Name From our heart as we…

By: bhopale
Wonderful blog. Adding a link to mine…

Body Loom – by Pakistan’s notable poet
Body Loom by M. Athar Tahir Published in the Daily Dawn (reviewer- Muneeza Shamsie) There have been so few notable English language poetry collections…
By: mahi