My Travels to Delhi
Finally, I wrote a piece on Delhi …… Delhi’s present day chaos cannot belittle its grand past, which created a civilisation and shaped the…

Raza Rumi was in Delhi
A budding writer from Lahore visits the city of his beloved author. I was [pleasantly -why lie] surprised this morning to discover a story…

Qurratulain Hyder
Sometimes a little discovery can be so delightful. The other day I was shown an old book authored by Qurratulain Hyder. The book called…

Qurratulain Hyder -End of an Era
The death of Qurratulain Hyder marks the end of an era of the finest writing in Urdu. Hyder, also known as Ainee Apa, dominated…

Qurratulain Hyder talking to BBC on the first South Asian novel
SG has sent me this old audio recording of Qurratulain Hyder when she visited London in the 1990s and was interviewed by the BBC.…

Qurratulain Hyder – Writer’s muse
Conversations with renowned author Qurratulain Hyder In my otherwise uneventful life, something significant has happened. It may seem unimportant to some people but it’s…

A voice that shall remain
A body shall disappear into dust but a voice shall remain. Here is an audio recording of Qurratulain Hyder reading “Daalan vala” in her…