Godless Bullets
Salman Taseer’s killing reflects the fight over Pakistan’s soul (OUTLOOK INDIA) AMIR MIR When Punjab governor Salman Taseer stepped out of the Table Talk…

Taseer will live as an icon for a sane, just Pakistan
Salmaan Taseer, businessman, publisher and Governor of Pakistan’s largest Province, was killed by his bodyguard a zealot who like his supporters thought that Taseer had…

An icon for a sane, just Pakistan
Salmaan Taseer’s defiance of convention and collective cowardice is one of the watersheds of Pakistan’s contemporary history. His defence of a poor Christian woman…

Mumtaz Qadri – Salmaan Taseer – Blasphemy it was not
Pakistan’s Supreme Court has upheld the death penalty for Mumtaz Qadri “the policeman who murdered former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer in January 2011 for…

In Pakistan, ‘Blasphemers’ Like Me Receive Militant Justice
Like so many others, I was recently targeted in a cold-blooded assassination for speaking out against extremism. Pakistan has acquired a strong reputation of…

Farewell, Dear SM
TFT “Death, a necessary end, will come when it will come…” Salma Mahmud, or SM as we called her at TFT, quietly left us…

2011- A year that will haunt us
From Paper Magazine 2011- a year in review A journalist recently remarked that 2011 was the year that no one will remember. Alas, this…

Death Sentence in Slaying of Pakistani Governor
From the New York Times: “Today’s judgment is a positive development whereby norms of justice have prevailed. Pakistan cannot be allowed to become a…

Witch hunt grips Pakistan as bloody political assassinations deplete liberal ranks
By Amanda Hodge IT says much about Pakistan’s McCarthyist atmosphere that the television presenter whom many accuse of inciting the political assassinations rocking the…

Pakistan radicals rule the streets
TENS of thousands of people crowded the streets of Lahore late on Sunday demanding freedom for the assassin of Punjab governor Salman Taseer. The…

Could there be a liberal resurgence in Pakistan? Lawmaker Sherry Rehman says she’s working on it.
By Issam Ahmed Fri Jan 28 | Karachi, Pakistan – Liberal Pakistani lawmaker Sherry Rehman left a comfortable life researching a book in London…

An existential crisis
On 4 January, Punjab province Governor Salman Taseer was killed by a member of his security detail, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri. But as disturbing…

Last chance for Pakistan
Taseer’s brutal murder has exposed every faultline of contemporary Pakistan The brutal assassination of Governor Punjab, Salmaan Taseer by a staff member of Punjab’s…

Mixed emotions complicate Punjab governor’s assassination
Salman Masood [NATION] ISLAMABAD // Analysts said yesterday that the assassination of Salman Taseer shows the extent of extremism in a deeply divided society…

Another blow to Pakistan: Salmaan Taseer killed by extremism
Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer’s brutal murder at the hands of a security personnel is a cruel reminder of where we have landed ourselves: in…

RIP Salmaan Taseer: this country did not deserve you
Salmaan Taseer’s brutal murder at the hands of a policeman is a cruel reminder of where we have landed ourselves: in a dark morass…