Karbala and the Imam Husayn in Persian and Indo-Muslim literature – Schimmel
Thanks to a friend on Twitter I rediscovered this essay by the great Annemarie Schimmel which I had read in the pre-internet times. The…

Marta Franceschini: H Nizamuddin Auliya’s devotee
This message cheered me up. Amazing that some of us have never met yet there is a bond we share – the calm space…

Love and the Law: An exerpt from Bulleh Shah (Required reading if you have studied the law)
By Sovmind Bulleh Shah (1680 – 1757) was a Punjabi Sufi poet, a humanist and philosopher from what is now considered Pakistan. As one…

Priests and scholars parade their learning to please the kings
Abayat from Sultan Bahu on Priests and Scholars (thanks to Shahidain) “Parh parh ilam mulook rijhaavan, kiaa hoiaa is parhiaan hoo Hargiz makkhan mool…

My Master has planted jasmine in my heart
Shahidain has sent another Bait from Sultan Bahu for Jahane Rumi “Alif-Allaah chambe dee bootee murshid man wich laee hoo Naffee asbat daa panee…

The teachings of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti
1. The heart of a lover is like a furnace of love. Whatever goes into it is burnt to nothingness because there is no…

A sufi in Budapest
Legend has it that a Bektashi dervish who was also a companion of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent introduced roses to the city…

A special message for Jahane Rumi
Sometimes I am most touched by such messages concerning my blog. I am posting this message not because I want to beat my own…

The sanctuary
Nizamuddin’s shrine and the dergah complex is a source of comfort. Each time I have been there, I have felt uncanny sense of comfort…

The world I do not need..Amir Khusrau
Amir Khusrau I am a pagan (worshiper) of love: the creed (of Muslims) I do not need; Every vein of mine has become (taut…

Bulleh Shah and Nukta – In a dot the whole mystery is solved
Nukta is difficult to decipher -My personal interpretation has to do with the nukta of Being – like the letter Alif that is Single…

Two poems from Spain
A Spanish friend with Sufi leanings, Ignacio de Miguel D’az, has sent two of his poems that are true from his heart and I…

Sufism and Sufi Poetry
Abdal Qadir Jillani Al Ghazali Amir Khusrau Website Annemarie Schimmel Golden Sufi Hafiz-e Shirazi Huzoor Khawaja Gharibnawaz Intl Association of Sufism Islahijamaat Islam Understood…

This world without Dr. Annemarie Schimmel
Last year, I came across a Charles Homer Haskins lecture that Dr Annemarie Schimmel delivered in 1993. Aside from the amazing events and milestones…

Only you, know my pains – Rabba Meray Haal Da Mehrem Tu
“O God, you are my state of being” is what this Kafi of Shah Hussain loosely means. It is about the internal and external…

Mystical Music at one place…
Mystica Music contacted me and introduced their website that sells amazing music. I am not promoting their sales nor do I have any mandate…

Iqbal Bano sings Nizami Ganjavi (Persian Sufi poet, 1141-1209)
Iqbal Bano sings Nizami Ganjavi-Mara ba ghamza… by razarumi1 Mara ba ghamza kusht o qaza ra bahana sakht Khud sooy e ma na deed…

Southasian Sufism: a new victim of communalist brigade
After everything Muslim has been trashed by the rejuvenated Hindutva across the border, now Southasian Sufism is also being highlighted as an Islamist-supremacist project.…